Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More Clarification, but not much else

    Today I found out about the Jack Kent Scholarship. It pays much of one's tuition for 4 years, and is geared at students with good grades and exceptional financial need. I spent a good portion of class time today learning more about it and trying to apply, but the website was a bit slow.
    In thesis-related news, here are the three questions I intend on asking at local pet stores:

1. Do you know the Red-Tailed Black Shark is critically endangered?

2. Are Dojo Loaches invasive species?

3. Do you know that Dinosaur Eels or bichirs were used in a recent experiment to investigate how terrestrial locomotion developed?

I also emailed my adviser for more guidance and to clarify some of my intentions in the previous post. This project is intended for all aquarists, but I'll focus more on the U.S. because it's the area I know best, and when I said all fish that weren't considered a food source, I meant all of them everywhere, including U.S. native fish. Since my tiny sample of people mainly consider those fish food or bait, I want to open them up to a better use for them.

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