This survey was surprisingly effective, getting 60 responses within 2 weeks. The people who answered the survey gave great insight into what I'd probably need to do to raise interest and awareness of freshwater fish. However, I feel I've focused a bit much on the aquarium hobby and not enough on conservation. The hobby of fishkeeping is only a means to an end of increasing public interest in freshwater fish, and what kind of goal is just attracting people to the hobby for no reason?
Therefore, from now on, I will research current events in the native waters of ornamental fish species and write reports on them. That way I won't be left with weasel words when I'm trying to explain what I do during this class, and I'll have a better project because of it. I also ran into complications with the film idea. I wanted to do one on goldfish, like a pilot for a documentary series, but that would be too off-topic. I also was instructed to talk to another classmate who wants to make a film about what it would require.
Yet another issue I've recently run into is the existence of another ornamental fish conservation group: C.A.R.E.S. This group also wants to breed and reintroduce rare aquarium fish into their native waters, and wants to get the general public involved, too. However, they haven't made much of a splash despite the backing of premium aquarium supply companies. I'll learn more and probably try to contact someone involved in C.A.R.E.S tomorrow to potentially find another advisor and think of ways I can make my intentions more distinct.
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