Thursday, September 18, 2014

I'm Kind of Flailing Around Right Now

    Today I looked at the Rio Xingu river. It's a fast-flowing branch of the Amazon that provides many valuable aquarium fish. However, it's set to be dammed in the near future, displacing thousands of people and making countless fish critically endangered or extinct. The major catfish website Planet Catfish launched the project PlanetXingu last year in an effort to learn more about these fish before it's too late. This is where captive breeding and the aquarium trade should come in. As I've mentioned earlier, ornamental fish are more valuable pound-for-pound than food fish. They provide a source of work for those who live by some bodies of water. If the efforts of PlanetXingu become more publicized, maybe we can do more...
   I also looked at NANFA, the North American Native Fish Association. They want to do for US native fish what I want to extend to all fish: raise awareness, conserve, and research them. They also consider captive care a viable idea to raise awareness for them.
   This blog post has this title because I'm still a little lost and don't have clear deadlines. What are my final products going to be? What are relevant sources? I'm getting this figured out as well as I can, though.

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